Brain Shot Energy Drink Branding Design

Brain Shot

Energy Drink Branding

Fruits Illustration

A Healthy Shot for your Brain.

Brain Shot is a natural-source energy shot for your brain! These shots come in a variety of flavors which contain natural brain boosting ingredients like Ginkgo Biloba and Gotu Kola.

This brand encourages a healthy lifestyle through consuming the right food & drink and they know that sometimes people get stranded and need options! This product is branded towards people on-the-move whether it’s for exercise or for those who have long commutes and jobs which involve traveling. Treat this product as a pre or post workout supplement or as an additional item to your lunch, because sometimes people just need something extra!

Sometimes you just need something extra!

Brain Shot Nutrition Branding
Branding Packaging Design for Health Drink
Branding Packaging Design for Health Drink

Enjoy On-the-go

Brain Shot is branded towards people who seek an energy boost but are mindful of the source. The target audience want to know that what they put into their body is natural & healthy.


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